Welcome to Substack! The Biden campaign is hiring a meme lord. Hope this application helps with debate prep: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/biden-campaign-meme-lord-job-application

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Just gonna leave this here about Biden's Economy

1 44.6 is the new 1776 https://tinyurl.com/z3bu64tt

2. Paying More to Live Worse is Bidenomics in a Nutshell https://tinyurl.com/2s7nd7fr

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Question : Why, really why, does Trumps name go first;why not reverse that?

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Not to be picky, but more daylight *in the Northern Hemisphere*. There are always the poor sots in the bottom half of the world, who already have to cling with all the toe-grip they've got to keep from falling off, to consider!

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